Covid-19 Guidance

Covid-19 Guidance

Following the easing of Government restrictions, we have been working with all our staff and retailers to develop a detailed plan on how to welcome you back to Mill Gate Shopping Centre safely. We hope this plan ensures that your visit works for everyone, including staff and other members of the community. At the Centre you will see the following measures and guidance in place which we ask that you adhere to throughout your visit:

  • We have implemented a ‘Keep Left’ system throughout the Centre to maintain customer flow and enable customers to social distance with ease. Our retailers are also being encouraged to adopt a similar ‘Keep Left’ strategy within their stores.
  • Queuing outside the store will be managed by social distancing markers and letting customers know when they are at the end of a queue, prompting them to come back later when the store is less busy.
  • Entry to the Centre will be monitored to ensure capacities are within social distancing limits with both signage and tannoy messages supporting this as you move around the centre. Any closed entrances or exits are marked with clear ‘No Entry’ signage and alternative entrance or exit locations are provided.
  • Toilet facilities are available - including both male and female toilets, disabled toilets, and baby change rooms. However, these will be temporarily closed every 15 minutes for enhanced cleaning of touchpoints, we ask that you are patient during these times.
  • Hand sanitising stations are also available throughout the Centre to enable you to sanitise your hands throughout your visit.
  • The car park will be operating a one-way system and is only payable by card. To access the Shopping Centre from the car park, the stairwells have been converted to a one-way system to ensure there is no crossing on staircases. The lifts are open, and guidance has been given to allow one visitor group at a time in the lift, with priority given to disabled customers.

Be Patient. Be Considerate. Be Safe. We look forward to seeing you at your next visit!