History timeline

  • This year at Mill Gate we are celebrating our 30th Anniversary! Join us as we look back at 30 marvellous years here in Bury, from construction in 1960 to what is promising to be a fabulous 2022, filled with 30th Anniversary events for all to enjoy.

  • 1960

    Bury Town Centre Built

    Bury Town centre was built by MEPC, Norwich Union, Bury Council and the Church.

    Lower Haymarket
    Market Square
    Market Square
    The Mall
  • 1987 - 1992

    Phase 1

    The Mall and Lower Haymarket, absorbing part of the town centre - During the development of the shopping centre varies buildings were extending and absorbed by the Mall to create the centre we know today

  • July 1992

    The Mill Gate Shopping Centre opens

    The Mill Gate Shopping Centre opened its doors to the public on Monday 20 July 1992 with an exciting five day programme of events, ending on Friday 24 July 1992.

  • August 1992

    Official Relaunch

    The shopping centre was officially relaunched on Thursday 27 August 1992 with popular TV personality Timmy Mallet.

  • 1995 - 1998

    Phase 2 - The build of the Union Arcade

    Consisting of 16 no. new shops, a major anchor store and a 600 space multi-storey car park, Union Arcade was a great addition to Mill Gate.

    This development meant demolishing the old Union Arcade along with its 2 storey car park and building the brand new MSCP originally 600 spaces.

    The car park was fully completed and operational on 09 December 1996, although this work was also delayed due to human bones being found under the former open car park to the rear of the Flying Shuttle hotel.

    Union Arcade
  • 1998 - 2000

    Phase 3

    Phase 3 saw the addition of four large retail units in the Haymarket. JLL were employed as Managing Agent at this time.

    Again, this job was delayed for a short time due to human bones being found under the floor of the former Central Methodist Church building which now forms Clarks Yard.

  • 2000 - 2002

    £3.3M development

    The centre underwent a £3.3M development by the new owners Westfield Shopping Towns, transforming the outside area of Minden Parade into a modern shopping mall by enclosing it under glass and adding four new shops and two mini major stores.

    This involved removing a huge amount of rubble from the former Market Hall/Meat & Fish Market, causing significant disruption.

    Minden Parade
  • 2005

    Scottish Widows

    Scottish Widows plc, Scottish Widows Unit Funds Ltd and Lloyds Bank SF Nominees Limited bought the centre from Westfield.

  • 2009

    Marks & Spencer Building

    The Marks and Spencer building, built in the early 1980s, was purchased. It moved to The Rock when it opened in July 2010.

  • 8th September 2009

    LTGP Acquired Centre

    LTGP acquired SWUF's 25% beneficial interest in the shopping centre, increasing LTGP's exposure to 50%. SW plc continued to retain 50%. SWUF, LTGP and SW plc continued to hold the legal titles to the shopping centre for the time being on behalf of LTGP and SW PLC, until freeholder consent from Bury Council etc. was granted. Basically, this meant that we were 50% SW PLC and 50% LBSFN Ltd. Scottish Widows Investment Partnership (SWIP) managed the property on behalf of the owners. JLL were appointed to act as managing agent.

  • 2010 - 2011

    Repairs and maintenance programme

    The MSCP underwent a £1m repairs and maintenance programme.

  • June 2012

    Olympic Torch Relay

  • 28th July 2014

    InfraRed Capital Partners Limited

    The Mill Gate Shopping Centre was sold by Scottish Widows plc and Lloyds Bank SF Nominees Limited to InfraRed Capital Partners Limited (Infrared UK Tiger Nominee 1 Limited and Infrared UK Tiger Nominee 2 Limited). Munroe K Asset Management Limited were appointed to act as managing agent.

  • 19th October 2015

    IR confirmed purchase of 1-7 Kay Gardens

    Kay Gardens, an open space created from the former Market place, when a new market hall was built in 1901. The imposing structure at the centre which stands more than ten metres in height, is the Kay Monument, a memorial to Walmersley-born John Kay, the inventor of the flying shuttle, which was a key contribution to the Industrial Revolution. The building at the far side of the gardens is the much altered Bury District Co-operative Society Emporium, which was designed in 1936, but didn’t open as a department store until 1952 as it was occupied by government offices during the war. In a Conservation Area Appraisal, dated 2007, by Bury MBC , it is stated that “This building’s frontage has been so altered with mirrored glass that there no longer exists much of any historic merit. However, the tall limestone bays which remain are a strong feature to the east of Kay Gardens, and they dominate the view north east from the Haymarket and the southern edge of the conservation area.”

  • 1st August 2016


    The Mill Gate underwent significant refurbishment to Lower Haymarket. New signage was also installed on the roof above the Kay Gardens properties.

  • 5th September 2017


    Redevelopment of 2 no. retail units at 10 - 16 Minden Parade in order to facilitate the provision of new male/female/disabled WC accommodation.

  • 2021


    The MSCP had Prison Mesh fencing and V fencing infills installed to secure the CP.

  • 2022

    30th Anniversary plans

    Coming up this year are some fantastic 30th Anniversary plans! Starting off, in the Easter Holidays there will be a super exciting ‘Pearl Hunt’ around the centre! Hunt the ‘pearls’ to win a scrumptious easter egg. Following on is the Queen’s Jubilee- expect a selfie spot fit for the Queen herself! We will also be hosting our very own Great Mill Gate Bake Off in the shopping centre-yummy! Enjoy wonderful live music at our Summer weekend event, and party away the day with us in July. A super exciting new Selfie Store will be hitting the shopping centre in the summer too, followed by a wonderful 30th Anniversary Exhibition, where we will be displaying the fascinating history of our wonderful shopping centre!

  • April 2022

    Centre Purchase

    The purchase of the centre in April 2022

  • October 2023

    Sudden Closure

    October 2023 – sudden closure of Bury Market Hall due to RAAC, resulting in nine market traders finding temporary accommodation in Mill Gate

  • November 2023

    Bury Town Centre Masterplan

    The public consultation in November 2023 on the future of Mill Gate, in line with Bury Town Centre Masterplan

  • 2024

    ANPR Installation

    July 2024 – installation of ANPR in the multi-storey car park