Back Together at Mill Gate

Back Together at Mill Gate

We’ve missed you! The last few months have been hard for everyone so, as the lockdown eases and we come back together at Mill Gate, we wanted to inject some colour and positivity into our lives.

We have installed a ‘Rainbow Wall of Thanks’ in the Centre to give both our customers and staff a chance to say thank you to a friend, relative, business, organisation or even pet(!) that has supported you or your community during this difficult time we have all been through recently. When you’re at the Centre, simply write a note and peg it to the wall of thanks for others to read and enjoy.

You’ll also notice some new uplifting selfie-walls that are designed to get you celebrating being out and about and being able to enjoy shopping with us once again. Take the chance to capture a memorable photo and spread the love on social media using the hashtag #BackTogetheratMillGate. We can’t wait to see your selfies!

If that wasn’t enough, we will be running some competitions for shoppers and local schools over the upcoming months so keep your eyes on our social channels for more information.
